Sunday, September 18, 2011

Freemason's Secret Codes On $100 Dollar Bill/POSSESSED AFTER ATTENDING MASONIC MEETING


Prophecy Of America Destruction

Stupid Americans, your days are up! Do U have a RED or Blue sticker on your mail box? If it is red, U will be shot in the head by NWO. If it is another color U will be took to a FEMA concentration camp and live under martial law.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Falling Angels Root To All Evil

If we are to believe in the bible, the Book of Genesis tells us that Lucifer induced other angels to join him in rebellion. Like he himself, these FALLEN ANGELS took an improper and perverse sexual interest in humans with disastrous consequences, evil fills the earth. Genesis 6:1,2 "When men started to grow in numbers, and daughters were born to them, then the sons of God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose." Who were those sons of God? The Bible refers to them as the Nephilim, the FALLEN ANGELS who joined with Lucifer in rebellion against God. Having COPULATED with mortal women, they produced a race of hybrids who grew into giants, known in the scriptures as the ANAKIM.

 They are described as "the mighty ones who were of old, the men of renown. Genesis 6:4 How did these Fallen Angels and their offspring exert such a powerful evil influence on humans? By appealing to mankind's sinful inclination and desires. The result? Finally, God destroyed that world in a global Deluge, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. Genesis 6:5, 12-22 The scriptures tell us that the incarnate angels returned to the heavens in disgrace. As debased demons, they continued to oppose God, and they have remained a potent force in human affairs.

WATCHMAN'S WARNING:10.04.09: Faces in the clouds! Unknown entities looking down at us! The heavens have opened. Since the beginning of time, spirits have often revealed themselves in the pillars of clouds. Visit to see entities looking down at the United States right now! Africa and the descendant's of Africa inheritance was stolen from them by other nations including Israel, Europe and United States. They claimed their resources for their own leaving the descendant's of nubian kings and queens fate in the hands of a corrupt Freemasonry sodomite organized global occult big brother cooperation. Truth, Sudan have more pyramids than Egypt. However; Egypt makes billions of dollars off foreigner's with many failing to realize the true history of the continent of Africa and it's many countries and kingdoms. Sudan, Land of the Blacks, is the Land of the PyramidsIn an effort to cover up the truth, White-Arab's committed a genocide by killing black men and children in Sudan and raping the women to produce non-Afro baby's. Omar Hassan, President of Sudan was charged with genocide. Hassan gave order's for his military to kill all black men and their children. Rape the women to produce non-black children.

The Jew's lied and made up the story about Jesus of Nazareth being the Messiah. Why they themselves read the Talmud and would never worship him. It is wrong to worship a man. Roman Scholars's thought of Jesus as a low life. For it is written, deceitful and bloody men shall not live to see half their day's. Jesus was killed at the age of 33. Mary did not have an emaculate conception. She had sex! In the Middle East girls often marry as young as 9 and constumate the marriage when they begin menustrating. United States sex laws prohibit's people from believing the truth. Child brides are common in the Middle East. NEVER give a man the same credit you would god. This is why Jesus follower's have no power. The Jew's are the father of their own lie's. When you watch a movie, the producer entices his audience by getting them to believe what they are seeing is true, when in fact it's just a well collaborated story. Leave America before all hell breaks loose!

President Barack. Obama and his 5 Brothers and Sister Together In Kenya, Africa
OBAMA PHOTO NOTICE: White westerner's refuse to believe Barack Obama is a black man. Unlike black American's, African's have a beautiful culture. When White Westerner's visit Johannesburg, South Africa, they do not want to leave. Today, many White westerner's are living in South Africa. Johannesburg is one of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the world. Johannesburg is the source of a large-scale gold and diamond trade, due to its location on the mineral-rich Witwatersrand range of hills. Due to the global recession, things have changed a bit for White African's who were living comfortably. Take a look at this video thousands of White African's have been forced into povery.

The western government are guilty of exploiting white women in an effort to exterminate the black Afro-people.White women from the west are used for breeding purposes in the Middle East and North Africa. On any given day, white women from Europe and the United States can be found traveling to Africa for the soul purpose of engaging in sexual activity with dark skin Saudi's and African's. Despite Great Britian attempts to undo god's creation, they can not get rid of the African features. African-Arab women are naturally beautiful. They have huge buttocks and childbearing hips which are highly praised by men unlike pal-faced westerner's. These women are well protected by their government and the men in their family. Despite your fake tans, money and weight loss programs, these men would not want white-women even if they were in their country. White's are thought to have poor genetics in comparison to these women. See for yourself how Britian reinvented slavery by exploiting Indian's. The government tricked many Indian's into going to Africa to replace Black's.


Beautiful City Of Johannesburg South Africa



(White-man say's Africa is not his land anymore cause Black's come first) Needless to say, it's just the opposite in America where white's come first. FACETS in Fairfax, Virgina serves as a prime example. FACETS, help many white families during the recession with gas, food, rent, mortgage payments, utility bills, transportation and will not help blacks.

In a blink of an eye, the foundations of the earth shall be removed. Everything man has built will be destroyed because thou has played the role of the harlot. The highest government officials have committed sin which has reached into the heaven's. This is it! There shall be no man power on the last day.

Canadian Author David Livingstone writes; "The Illuminati claim to be descended of Fallen Angels, who taught them the "Ancient Wisdom", also known as the Kabbalah, which they have been preserving throughout the centuries. These Fallen Angels are referred to in the Bible, Book of Genesis, as the Nephilim, or Sons of God, and were said to have descended to earth and intermarried with human beings. Christian interpretations struggle with the passage, choosing to translate the term into "mighty men". However, Jewish texts explain that they were the devil and his legions, who were cast out of Heaven, and took wives from the female descendants of Cain. They produced a race known as the Anakim. Revelation, reads : Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jesus Is False!

The church is an institution and it's lame members are the test subjects. The government empire is built on SEXUAL SIN. The government are communist. They are in no position to judge anyone. Given the region where Jesus came from he was most likely gay, just like most men from the Middle East. There is nothing holy about the HOLY LAND today. In the FREEMASONRY organization, rainbow boy's are lover's of one another. The men engage in SODOMY while the MASTER MASON read from a book. RAM HORNS and SODOMITE'S are the SOURCE of their POWERS INSIDE THE PYRAMID. This ritual for wealth and power was adapted from the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Pedophilia and sodomy is also prevalent in the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia where child brides are allowed under the law. Their defense, the christian god inpregnated 12 year old Virgin Marry. Committing these acts, brings them closer to the gods.


The bible allows this arrangement: If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as menservants do. If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself, he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. [Exodus 21:7-10]

Jesus is not the truth nor is he the light. Have you ever wondered why Yasser Arafat and HOLY MEN YouTube - Bishop G.E. Patterson of god died of AIDS? It is because they are high level Mason's skilled in the art of sexual magic. They all take a penis in the anus. For a lack of a better term, it's called Jesus Juice.

"Americans you must obey our own Peter Jennings, he was kind enough to sleep with both of us." Yasser Arafat response after 911 President of the Palestinian National Authority he died of full blown AIDS at the age of 75.
Here's the philosophy behind this one. Notice how the JESUS CONCENTRATION CAMP slave plantation operates. Church Of God And Christ (C.O.G.I.C.) church consist of poor ignorant people who receive a fixed income or welfare checks from the government. This WELFARE TO WORK DHS client serves as a prime example. Watch how she reacts to Barack Obama campaign commercial. When Christians fellowship with poor people they think it is the norm. Who you socialize with determines, if you get your foot in the door.

Lower sector people will never go to the Ziegfeld Follies. The inner city black high schools in Washington D.C. looks more like a prison camp than a school Ballou Stay and Anacostia Senior High School serves as a prime example. Your child could be attacked while in school. Security guards lock students up in the school with violent youth offender's. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Blacks stop looking for others approval. Start securing your future today! Faith without works is dead. There is NO JESUS to rectify you from the freemasonry occult organization! If you challenge your situation, it will change. Black people are bait for a corrupt SODOMITE Freemasonry government headed by the Jews. Jews specializes in hexing people. If you see a Masonic Lodge Lucifer children are in your neck of the woods. Knight Templar's are also goat like leaders.
Blacks who live in the inner city should leave Washington D.C. by any means necessary. You will be better off raising your kids in the south. Poor blacks living in Washington D.C., end up in jail, drug rehab or murdered from gangster. Don't let the enemy get their hands on your children. It was the CFR, Council On Foreign Relations who set out this satanic plot to enslave the American people. Take a look at this video regarding the Occult History of the Black-A-Moors see how the Mason's use religion to control the minds of black people and Christians. Jesus is false! He is not the Messiah. Those who put their trust in this JEW, are the sole property of the WELFARE STATE. Jesus followers fail to secure their future and their assets. When they die, they don't have life insurance or a burial policy. This means your love one's will struggle in life, leaving their fate in the hands of a sodomite freemasonry occult government. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!!!! Religion is a SCAM! You are judged in this life time not in the after life. For example; when Sadam Hussein terrorized the Middle East, he was hanged in 2006 for his crime, not in the after life. This Jew is NO different from all the rest. They are skilled in the art of SEXUAL MAGIC. Believers spend their entire life perfecting themselves for an imaginary heaven. Where as others wish to make the most out of their life, now! Gods can do all things. Think about it..... Why would a god require you to suffer to get to heaven? Heaven and Hell, is right here on this earth! If I was a god, I would take care of my people unlike Jesus. Most Jesus followers are of a lower sector except the crooked TV evangelist. This Jesus is such a poor messiah. For example, look at the black Pentecostal church in the south like Texarkana, Texas and Dermot, Arkansas. The members are afflicted with every condition known to man. From Deaf and Dumb to poverty. It looks like one big SLAVE PLANTATION to me. No god would ever require his followers to suffer. No other agency have succeeded in destroying the black Negro families like the Department Of Human Services. I went to the Department Of Human Services located on Airport Plaza in Texarkana, Arkansas. DHS clients looked like sheep's lead to the slaughter. I DECLARE MYSELF RELIGIOUSLY EXEMPT FROM U.S. POLICY'S. We are smarter than the EVIL EMPIRE. That's right folks!

Если моя ситуация не изменит скоро, то я передам заказ для того чтобы конституция Соединенные Штаты. Вы каменщик fag-got! Дайте мне мою деньг вы украли над летами!

The MASONIC LODGES are not your friendly neighbors, it is the house of the SODOMITE'S. Do not be surprised when you find your local government officials (police officers, county judge, mental health doctor's) are Mason's. In fact, many of them are Jews who changed their names to more American sounding names. Sodomite's are not just gay, they are sodomite's who perform rituals on people through sexual magic. Boys are taught the art of sexual magic at the Middle Eastern Koranic School in Morocco, Africa. The Master F'Qih teach young boys the art of sodomy the text has a place in it. Society turns a blind-eye away from places like this. When victims in the catholic church came forth to say, they were sodomized by priest's, they were telling the truth. The Pope is very gay. He also wears a magic ring on his finger. Yes, the BOOTY is worshipped. sister.


There is NO WAR in Europe, Canada, or the U.S. because most American's are good people, salt of the earth. Religion is a hoax! American's have no idea how their freedom is lost or obtained. Americans are living under the illusion or thumb print of a big brother corporation. Master Mason's specializes in hexing people. American's lose freedom their freedom in 3 ways; mental illness induced by goat rituals (hex), other institutions including prison or drug rehab, last but not least financial institution or bad credit scam. Bad credit can affect your job, approval for home or loan. Those who enroll in the Free Masonry Association are in a state of grave sin. 33rd Degree Mason's may not receive the holy communion. Many high government officials follow the COVEN OF BAALAM. President George W. Bush is a member of the Skull and Bones organization. They have set traps before the Lord's people by committing sexual sin (Revelations). Yes, people are hexed by way of sexual sin. It is Beelzebub, The Lord Of The Flies who cause children to be deaf and dumb especially those who require medication management and Mental Health Services. Mason's whore themselves after Beelzebub. Beelzebub specializes in committing sexual sin. Beelzebub controls his victims happiness by attacking their finances. All mental health patients get a disability check from the sodomite government. The government declare them unfit to work. Many American's in perfect health have been hexed by the sodomites. Mental Health patients lose their freedom when they are diagnosed with mental illness such as schizophrenia, tourette syndrome, bipolar and other neurological disorders. Fact the Jews owns the Mental Health and Psychiatric Department in America. Many mental health patients have been hexed by Jews, through the powers of the seal. See it is a vain thing to worship a Jew called, Jesus. Deaf and Dumb children at the Arkansas School For Deaf who require medication management and mental health services are not truly disabled they are hexed by way of sexual sin. Aleister Crowley and sodomite mason's practice rituals at their home in Little Rock, Arkansas. He who is the holder of sin, shall hold the sodomite government sins against them. Even with their best ad-visors they will not win! Yo Kay Mo! Au Tatum Tumba! Smote Le Umba!

The triangle which points downward make up the house of the lower sector demons who work on behalf of the sodomite government. Notice how poor blacks who are actually the descendants of greatness, always try to witness to people about a middle eastern-Jewish white man who died on the cross for their sin, it is a vain thing to do. They scream yell and shout, when it's all over, their problems never really change, they just learn to adapt to it. When that Jesus starts to work for you, then will I listen. Considering all the races and languages in world, why would the messiah be a Jewish White Man? Many years ago, Africa was ruled by QUEENS and KINGS. There are tribes of MANY GODS who have been forgotten. They may be found in GREECE, ITALY and ROME. Evil men destroyed the kings and queens empire and replace them with presidents. They took their gold, diamonds, and rubies for their own. There are 12 tribes of the Israelite. Haiti is one of them. If you take what the Haitians can do with their hands, their knowledge of science, and animal sacrifice, you get the LEVITE tribe. Haiti are on the left hand side of god today. Haitians revealed their secret to the enemy for money

Watch the movie "The Serpent And The Rainbow" a white chemist visit Haiti to learn more about their knowledge of science and medicine. Now the enemy have used this knowledge to hexed their people.

What's your boss nationality? Is he or she Jew, Mexican, Pakistani-an or Middle Eastern? Notice how they are placed in supervisory and management positions. They are paid 3 times more than the average American. Macy's Department store located in Manassas and Fairfax, Virginia serves as a prime example. These jobs should be given to American's first, if they can perform the position. The Federal government have betrayed American's.

How can they put these people on a pedestal? I have visited their countries. They live in slum conditions. Most are very poor and the entire family live all cramped up in one room. Their government don't give a damn about them. They are killed or beaten, if they protest or stand up for their rights. The middle eastern government do not allow dating in their countries. Most girls are forced into arranged marriages at an early age. They always marry their male cousin or uncle. The Rat Children of Pakistan, suffers from a genetic disorder caused from interbreeding having sex and mating with their relatives. Take a look at this video, these kids are disabled and blind because of incest. (See Leviticus 18) They are not nearly advanced as the western culture. Americans stand up for what is rightfully yours! Your mother and grandmother broke their waters right here in America.

You were born in free land unlike your adversary. Police attack and beat protesters in this video.  

The world is ruled and controlled by SECRET POWER'S that be. The United States Of America is nothing more than an institution. What do you know about the Federal Reserve? Learn how the corporate rodent's controls everything from the cradle to the grave. Take a look at the picture of the ALL SEEING EYE and the 13 STARS on the back of this one dollar bill. There are hidden powers inside this treasury. JESUS WILL SURVIVE:

The SEAL below holds mystical powers to bring forth wealth or destruction. This seal was the original seal of God's chosen people. It is also found on the Middle Eastern Flag in Israel near Jerusalem where the population consist of many Jews. Hebrew and Arabic is the official language in Israel. Some how the sodomite's got their hands on this seal to hex and control my people. Similar to this seal, the freemasonry use a 5 star pentagram which signifies the God of Baphomet an unestablished origin. In the early 1300's, Baphomet appeared as a term for a pagan idol in the Knights Templar. This sigil is used in the Knight Templar's and Freemasonry organization. It's power are invoked by performing lewd sex acts. Mason's use this sigil to hex Christians. Does the name (Eastern Star) 5 Star Masonic Women ring a bell?

The centerpiece of this mandala is the All-Seeing Eye an important symbol within freemasonry traditions for hundreds of years. So it is not surprising to find pride among occultists who understand the significance of this emblem. Look at the above illustration, one can clearly see, the Free Masonry sodomite government controls the banking empire. Understand this Mason's, I will never bow down to your god! I will not leave until justice is serve. I command the Mason's to pay back every dime they stole from me. You were warned! There shall not be enough man power, come judgment day.

Jesus have no power! Why do people trust Jesus in the after life, when he can not be trusted in this life? Jesus birth was not an immaculate conception. Jesus mother Mary was impregnated by having sex with a man. A god would never prove himself by impregnating a virgin child. In the Middle East girls often marry as young as 6 years old. Many are impregnated when they reach puberty.

One can easily see, it is their custom to marry very young girls. Americans were brain washed to believe Jesus was the son of god. Think about it, America government have laws prohibiting pedophilia, so Christians believed it was a miracle. U.S. society view 12 year old girls as children. But it is not the same in the Middle East. Girls are not allowed to play with dolls. Prophets and Roman Emperor's often married girls as young as 8 years old since ancient biblical times. This act is believed to bring them closer to the gods.

An 11 year old girl is pregnant by her 19 year old uncle. Another girl pregnant at the age of 10. It is their custom to marry their kin and to have sexual relations at an early age. Those who pray to Jesus are being mislead. It is this seal which holds the answer. Jews use this seal to obtain wealth. Only the chosen one can unlock the mystical forces inside the seal, with this seal, all things are possible.

11 year old unmarried girl allegedly raped by 19 year old uncle is 21 weeks pregnant. Seeks abortion in London, in the greatest secrecy ever.

The seals have been used since ancient biblical times. Kings often wore it as a breast plate on their chest or around their neck. King Solomon used seals to obtain prosperity, wealth and happiness. Anything can be achieve if magic or science made it happen. Yet lower sector people are bent on worshiping a Jewish-white man who promise them eternity in the after life. Heaven and hell is right here on this earth. For example, if a man robs, Bank Of America takes $50,000 dollars during the robbery, guess what? he is judged in this life time not in the after life. Your government has lied to you. It was the freemasonry organization who wanted to prove they could build bigger cathedrals and places to worship. Your history was hidden by evil men who wish to serve their own bellies by deceiving the people while their bank accounts over flow with your inheritance money. George W. Bush raked in more than $2 trillion dollars before leaving office. Believer's who carry the seal of prosperity will prosper sooner or later.


The seal of prosperity is used in the Jewish religion. Jew's use the seal to bring wealth and power. This seal was the original seal of God's chosen people. It is also found on the Middle Eastern Flag in Israel near Jerusalem where the population consist of 70% Jews.


Rich oil Kings worship pretty boy's in Saudi Arabia